"The Journal" is a full-size 8 ½ x 11 magazine devoted to promoting the well-being and understanding of the American Pit Bull Terrier. In each issue we recognize great dogs from this breed from around the world. We also feature interviews with great breeders and dog people. We publish four times a year. When you subscribe, you do so for a calendar year that begins with the summer issue and ends with the spring issue. The average issue of The Journal is between 56 and 64 pages in size, with a maximum of 15% of it being advertising. The other 85% of The Journal is content driven. No other comparable magazine can make this claim. I would like to remind all subscribers that you (foreign and domestic) are our greatest resource as each of you has access to information, dogs and people that collectively make up the history of our breed. Do your part to help us document greatness in our breed. Regular contributors of feature articles are rewarded with a free subscriptions and free ad space. Thanks to all who have supported us during the first year of "The Journal". This has been a year that required us to learn a lot in a short period of time. I feel that we have met this challenge and we are eager to improve in the upcoming year. We owe many thanks to those who have contributed quality material that enlightens and entertains our readers. Without our staff of high quality writers, this venture would simply not be possible. |
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Subscription Rates
Yearly Domestic Rate: US, Canada, Mexico and US Territories | $65 US per year |
All other destinations | $88 US per year |
1st Year Domestic Rate:(Summer, Fall, Winter '03, Spring '04 | $65 US per year |
1st Year Non-Domestic Destinations | $88 US per year |
Single Issue Cost: US, Canada, Mexico and US Territories | $22 US per issue |
Single Issue All Other Destinations | $25 US per issue |
Advertising Rates
Full Page Ad without Color Picture | $100 US per issue |
Full Page Ad with Color Picture | $150 US per issue |
Half Page Ad without Color Picture | $65 US per issue |
Half Page Ad with Color Picture | $90 US per issue |
To subscribe send funds in US dollars to:
"The Journal"
1017 Spike Road
Hillsborough, NC 27278
Inside the US call 800-992-9741 to subscribe.
Outside the US call 919-225-4761 to subscribe.
We accept all major credit cards. Email us at punkygarner@gmail.com
Submit articles to Tom Garner at 919-423-3486 or email to garner.tm@gmail.com
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